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(Zingiber officinale)

Other Names: Adhu, Gingembre, Jengibre, Jeung, Imbir, Inguru, Khing, Shoga, Zenzero

Ginger is a knotted, thick, beige underground stem (rhizome). The stem extends roughly 30 to 50 cm above ground with long, narrow, ribbed, green leaves, and white, yellowish-green or red flowers.

Young ginger roots are juicy and fleshy with a very mild taste. Mature ginger roots are fibrous and nearly dry. They are used as an ingredient in many spicy Indian and Chinese dishes. In Western cuisine, ginger is traditionally restricted to sweet foods, such as ginger ale, gingerbread, ginger snaps, ginger cake and ginger biscuits. Ginger is available in fresh, dried, pickled, crystallized and powdered form.

Ginger root is an effective treatment for nausea caused by motion sickness and also contains many antioxidants. Powdered dried ginger root is made into capsules for medicinal use. Chinese women traditionally eat ginger root during pregnancy to combat morning sickness.

Ideal conditions are warm, sunny and humid.

Most gingers are warm climate plants and like a well drained soil enriched with compost with a monthly liquid feed during spring and summer.

The ginger rhizome will glow easily if planted in moist rich soil and given plenty of warmth (22�C - 25�C).

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